
+1 929-301-6028

Software Test Automation Engineering (Java)

Java based Selenium Framework. Covers manual testing, Java, Selenium, API, Mobile automation as well

Course Overview

Enthrall Software Test Automation Engineering | Weekdays Batch | January 2025

Orientation: January 5th, 2025

First Class: January 7th, 2025

Course Duration: 6 Months

Zoom: Live session (Record provided after class)

Class: Sunday, Tuesday 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST

Enrollment Fee: 100 $ [Refundable at the 5th Installment]

Course Fee: First Month and Last Month Free, Then 500$ for five installments, a Total of 2500$

929-301-6028, 516-232-6047, 347-294-8243



QA Fundamental:

Software Development Life Cycle
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Software Development?
  3. Software Development Lifecycle Flow
  4. What exactly do Software Testers do?
  5. Who are the people involved?
  6. Why is Software Testing Necessary
  7. How is Software Development Done?
  8. SDLC Phases
  9. SDLC - Planning Phase
  10. SDLC - Requirement Analysis Phase
  11. SDLC – Design Phase
  12. SDLC – Development Phase
  13. SDLC – QA/Testing Phase
  14. SDLC – Production/Implementation Phase
  15. SDLC – Maintenance Phase
Software Development Methodologies
  1. What are Software development methodologies?
  2. Classification of Development Methodologies
  3. Details of Waterfall Methodology
  4. Details of Agile Methodology
  5. When to use Agile
  6. Agile Values
  7. Types of Agile
  8. Kanban, Scrum, Agile Theory, Agile Ceremony

All About Testing

  1. Testing Myths

  2. Types of Testing: Manual vs Automation

  3. Testing Methods: Black-Box vs Grey-Box vs White-Box Testing, Functional Vs Non-Functional

  4. Testing Levels: Details of All types of Testing

  5. Testing Documentation: Test Plan, Test Scenario, Test Case, Traceability Matrix

Software Testing Life Cycle

  1. What is Software Testing Life Cycle

  2. Generic Phases of the STLC: Requirements Analysis- Understanding the requirements/Application, Test Planning, Test Analysis, Test Design, Test Construction/Verification, Test Execution & Bug Reporting, Final Testing & Implementation, Post Implementation.

    Test Strategy, Test Plan, Aspects of a Test Plan, Test Plan VS. Test Strategy

Regarding Test Case
  1. How to do Requirement Analysis

  2. How to create Test Cases 

  3. How to upload Test in ALM, JIRA or other Application. defect tracking

  4. Bug Life Cycle – Stages, How to create a Bug

  5. How to maintain JIRA as a Tester

  6. How the project is managed by the JIRA tool.

  7. Requirement Traceability Matrix


  1. What is SQL?
  2. Types of SQL
  3. Schema, Tables, Joins
  4. How to write query? Major functionality covered

Accessibility Test: Use of JAWS, Section 508 etc.


What is a Programming Language? Advantage of using Java, Java Life Cycle, Download JDK, Download Eclipse, Enabling Eclipse feature.

Java Basics: Naming convention for projects, package, class, method, variables, Constructor etc. Java Comments and their type, print vs println, Use of \n, \t, \r etc, How to rename, how to save, how to run program etc. How to take screenshot. Use of indentation, How to organize code, String Concatenation, Use of single and double quotation

Variables: Naming Convention, Classification - primitive data type and reference data type, How to create Object (Instantiation), What object can do? variables initialized vs variables declared. Advantage of when variables declared over initialization.

Constructor: Classification - default and parameterized. Naming Convention. How to declare them and initialized by creating an object and adding arguments.

Method: Classification, Naming Convention, Example of Void type, Return type, parameterized type, switch type etc. How method help executing the variables.

Object Oriented Programming: Abstraction - Abstract class, regular class and Interface - their behavior and functionality, Encapsulation - Use of getter setters method, Inheritance - types of inheritance, Use of Super in child class, Polymorphism -method overloading and method overriding

Different type of class: Wrapper class - How wrapper class protect the data type or change, Scanner Class to write in console, Random Class, Nested Class, Singleton Class, FileReader Class, BufferedReader class, File class, Enum

Control statement:  for loop, while loop, do while loop, for each loop, iterator etc, use of Break and Continue, nested loop, Java coding challenge based on them.

Conditional Statement: if, else if, else, switch

Exception vs Error: How to handle Exception. try, catch, throw, throws, finally etc. 

String Manipulation: String Class and it's methods, StringBuffer Class, StringBuilder Class

Collection: Array, Set, List, ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Dequeue, Vector, Map, HashMap, Tree, Hashset, HashTree, Data Structures and Implementations, Logical thinking and Algorithms, InputStream, Java Coding challenge, Maths/Problem, POJO, Serialization, Deserialization, Sorting etc.

Selenium and Framework:

Basic: HTML, CSS, Locators, Dynamic xpath, Learning all selenium methods

Framework: Maven build, Java based selenium Framework TDD, BDD Framework, Data driven approach in framework, Database connectivity in Framework (JDBC, JDBC Setup), Mobile automation (Appium, iOS/Android App), Robot framework

Other: Dynamic web tables/elements, file input-output stream, Apache POI, Reporting, Integration with testNG or JUnit


REST API, SOAP API, Postman, SoapUI, RESTAssured, Karate Framework, XML/JSON, JSON Parser.


Integrate CICD (Jenkins), Git and Github, Sauce lab/Browser stack/Perfecto, Embedded device.

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