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What is a Programming Language? Advantage of using Java, Java Life Cycle, Download JDK, Download Eclipse, Enabling Eclipse feature.
Java Basics: Naming convention for projects, package, class, method, variables, Constructor etc. Java Comments and their type, print vs println, Use of \n, \t, \r etc, How to rename, how to save, how to run program etc. How to take screenshot. Use of indentation, How to organize code, String Concatenation, Use of single and double quotation
Variables: Naming Convention, Classification - primitive data type and reference data type, How to create Object (Instantiation), What object can do? variables initialized vs variables declared. Advantage of when variables declared over initialization.
Constructor: Classification - default and parameterized. Naming Convention. How to declare them and initialized by creating an object and adding arguments.
Method: Classification, Naming Convention, Example of Void type, Return type, parameterized type, switch type etc. How method help executing the variables.
Object Oriented Programming: Abstraction - Abstract class, regular class and Interface - their behavior and functionality, Encapsulation - Use of getter setters method, Inheritance - types of inheritance, Use of Super in child class, Polymorphism -method overloading and method overriding
Different type of class: Wrapper class - How wrapper class protect the data type or change, Scanner Class to write in console, Random Class, Nested Class, Singleton Class, FileReader Class, BufferedReader class, File class, Enum
Control statement: for loop, while loop, do while loop, for each loop, iterator etc, use of Break and Continue, nested loop, Java coding challenge based on them.
Conditional Statement: if, else if, else, switch
Exception vs Error: How to handle Exception. try, catch, throw, throws, finally etc.
String Manipulation: String Class and it's methods, StringBuffer Class, StringBuilder Class